Next Stradivari Under Dangerous Metal Heel 2

The spouse from Lady B has ordered a fresh violin but the post service brings the parcel to a time, hi is not at home. So takes Lady B the violin and bring they in the music romm from her hubby. She open the parcel and look the brand fresh Violin. They looks good. Cautiously, she puts the violin aside. Now she sit down and read in a Book. She laing her feet on the table and you can see her wonderful Peep Toes with dangerous metal Heel. She stand up and look all the posters in the music rom. In the course of this she stand unintentionally with her acute high heel on the violin and make a deep scabies in the violin. What a. Her spouse will be angry over this. But lady B has an idea. The parcel was never arrive, she just has to make the violin vanish. Now she has joy to demolish the poor violin with her metal high-heeled shoes. She stand of it and press her high-heeled shoes into the wooden assets, again and again and make many holes in it. She do the same with the cover. Now she exchanges her shoes, and wear her wooden clogs. She jump on the violin, and make the violine to trash. No violin, no trouble!