Today, I have a prisoner in the dungeon space. He has been brought here for me to interrogate him, and get the information from a computer he was carrying. I have him tightly corded to the chair with a stocking mask taut over his head. He can fairly well, however thats about to switch. I am going to ask him for the password to the computer. If he rejects to tell me, I will work on him. You see, if he makes the mistake of choosing to remain silent, then I will have to showcase him what real muffle feels like. After a duo of wrong codes, I place my arms around his mouth and stop him from breathing so well. He writhes for me, and as I tighten my grip he starts to gasp for air. I once again release my arms and permit him to recover just long enough to let him tell me the code. After several attemps at trying to fool me into thinking he does not have the information. I finally manage to make him tell me what I want to know. Of course Im not finished with him. I get some tape and wrap it tightly around his head and mouth, as I want to make sure he suffers in silence until I return to continue with his interrogation. Maybe by then my bitch will be too breathless to .
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