I thrust the slave to the ground and instantaneously commence trampling him under my running footwear - and the wonderful tread of the boots instantly leaves behind imprints on his skin! I walk over his figure again and again - and in between step on his head, his balls and his arms. And of course, the loser has to endure a couple of jumps as well before I sit down on his belly, take off my shoes and coerce him to smell them. Then I continue to trample him under my socks - and obviously hell have to smell them in between as well. After tormenting him under them for a while, I take my socks off as well, stuff them into his mouth and leave him behind!
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Taking All Of The Foot Slave’s Money I sit on the couch and order the slave to come crawling to my feet. Hes slurping ...
Crimson Latex Horny Feet And Jerk Off Lady Karame feeds her slave with puny crumbs and has a good time. Then she lies ...
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