Village Demolition By Giantess

This little village is scheduled to be demolished and Im going to crush it fresh to make way for a fresh road! The residents shouldve been evicted long ago - but some of them are still in the village - mostly gathering around the church as they see me approaching. Maybe they thought I would demonstrate grace?! Well, they thought wrong for sure! I commence flattening their little houses, gardens and fences wearing my converse very first. After a while I take them off and crush some more houses and people under my socks. For the last few houses I also take off the socks and crush them under my nude feet - then grab all the crushed chunks with my toes and pile them up for waste disposition. Obviously, the church - and the people in and around it - get crushed as well - they shouldve run away while they still could! In the end I compress the route for the fresh road with my feet - ready for construction now!