Custom-built REQUEST - My two slaves are worshipping my feet, I look them bored. Then my masculine slave starts to be turned on due to the long chastity period he has been made to suffer the last days, of course he makes a big mistake: he starts to grope his chisel against the feet of the female slave, who is worshipping my feet, thinking hes not being seen. I notice him and I get angry, because this is a serious lack of respect towards me: He must be disciplined for that, and the right penalty for him will be the ballbusting. But to do it right his nuts must be emptied beforehand, so I order my female slave to make him a footjob. She executes it with her toes along with some powerful dirty talk. However, the masculine slave cant spunk! I grab the slaves testicles and I become a little bit disappointed because his ball sack are not downright empty, so I must display my female slave how to do a good footjob. When the masculine slave is perked up we embark a dual foot job on him: very first in turen then both together. I tell the masculine slave to love this moment because later things will switch. After some minutes he reaches orgasm again, under the taunting of our beautiful toes. I order the masculine slave to get up and tell the female that she has done a good footjob this time and as prize, she will be permitted to kick him in the ballsack together with me. So we commence to kick the slave in the nuts repeteadly with a lot of front kicks, hitting him with the instep and leaving him choky. We laugh at the sound of the influence of our feet agains his balls, and of his moans. When the slave falls down, we crush his cock and his balls like a cigarette. Then I decide to make a new game. The rule is simple: I will slap the female slaves ass, and according to the strength of the slap, she will kick him on the balls with the same power. I start with a caress on my female slaves ass, and with her kick she caresses the male slaves balls. But then I start to slap her harder and harder, and so also she kicks the slaves balls harder and harder. At the end I slap her so hard that she screams in pain. The female slave looks at me then she turns to the male and says ?Now its you turn: with the next kick I will destroy your balls?. The male slave tries to get away but I stop him, because the game is not yet finished. The last kick is very powerful and the slave falls down to the ground totally destroyed. At the end I want to see if the male slave is completely out of service or not. So I order the female slave to make him another footjob. Will he still be able to enjoy it ?...
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