Im with my friend in the basement, and we have a slave thats going to be tested. He will be used to give both of us some pleasure, while at the same time we need to see how much discipline he has. As he crawls into position, I order him to kneel with his hips apart. Hes not fairly sure what to expect, but it wont be long before we have him squealing. As we take up our positions, with my friend behind him and me looking down from the front. His dangling dick and testicles are going to be a nice target. AS I caress his beef whistle with my stiletto boots, my friend gives him a swift kick in the ballsack from brhind. I so love to hear that clacking sound as her foot finds its target, and our tart lets out a noisy painful sounding yelp. We proceed to kick his ballsack from the front and rear, he cant escape and eventually rolls over with excrutiating ache. We tell him this is just the beginning for him, we get him on his back and trample on him. I also stramp on his ankles to hold his gams apart, while my friend gives his testicles a good kicking. We get him back on his knees and tell him to keep his gams apart. Both mistresses continue to kick the fuck out of his balls, until he eventually rolls over in exaustion. We stamp on him and give him a good slapping, before pulling him squealing off the floor by the cock and returning him to his .
Eager To Lick Feet Candy Blade is indeed into tonguing feet and Eryss is the lucky one! Candy is ...
Warning This Happens To Stingy Slaves Attention! This clip is a warning to everyone who is as stingy as this loser ...
Extrem Muddy Boots Cleaning For A Dog Slave Mistress Kitty walk her dog after a rainy day, there is much puddle of mud and ...
Tomiko Abases Steve – 4 Holds 4 Abasing, painful and inescapable holds grabbed from the video Tomiko ...
New Year Special 1 Sleepy Santa Claus at our home. Six woman's from DuneFeet are feast New Year. ...
Adventskalender – Tag 19 – Mein... An Weihnachten kommt man mit seinen Liebsten zusammen, verbringt viel Zeit in ...
Slave Training By Mistress Tamara And Dominatrix... Mistress Tamara spent another nice weekend with me in the SM Studio Female ...
Black Shine 3 The tongue of the slave wished to eat even more than my boots, but so far it ...
Krasa’s Sock-manufactory In this movie, little sock slave, you will get the answers to all your ...
Samanthas Foot Dominance Lady Samantha predominates her tethered slave under her Blue Jeans High ...