Custom-built REQUEST- The slave has came 40 min late for a session today. You are in a sadomasochistic mood today and is going to make him suffer by making him maintain predicamentstress positions for 40 min. The different stress positions are:-Adopt a half squat position, with his arms spread out in front of him. Shove up position. Getting on all fours upright and with both arms raised and carrying a powerful bag above his head. It will be a challenge for a slave to maintain each of these position for 40 min, so you can exchange around these 3 positions as you deem fit at your grace. While he is fighting in this painful position, you will take a comfy seat on the sofa and enjoy a cup of coffee, watching his face grimacehis muscles trembling. If he fails to maintain the proper posture, you will give him a good whipcane on his backassAt the end of the 40 min, he will be exhausted and will not dare to be late again in the future.
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