Elika had a horrible long day at work and she eventually got out of there. Shes home lazy to do anything, not even to take a shower to wash her sweaty feet and crawl to bed and her feet hurt so bad. She was running errands for her boss all day long! Sitting on the couch she remembers a conversation she had some time ago with you, her bro. You were joking around that you like her sexy big it possible you were not joking at all? Now Elika could use someone to rubdown her feet and who else would take care of her smelly feet than her bro who evidently likes them. She calls you up and asks you about before - whether you were serious about your foot fetish. You admit that you have a meaty thing for her feet and it goes good from now on! She lets you rubdown and adore her feet, no matter youre her bro, well step Love!
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