Sneaker-Girl Ella simply reassumes her debut session and works on - same feet - same car. Just - more barefoot crushing under her beautiful big size 42 feet. More toe pressing, more ball mangling and more foot flattening. Look at her strong toes - finalized with erotic black tear up grind. Look at her long feet - her blades - pressing and mangling down with no grace. Witness her unbelievable high-heeled shoes and their bottoms. A little bit flattened, a little bit rough. They are a real highlight for each barefoot paramour preferring big feet. Now this wonderful woman uses her two big erotic instruments of female power - just to bring down this hard metal car. More and more parts like wheels or doors are cracked from the chassis, even in the upside-down mode. In the end even the front spandex hood is bended back and violated off, by sheer toe strength. OMG - who of us would not love to feel and suffer under those heels? This time - the car has the bonus - and it is stepped and pressed into a pure wreck. Next time - You?