Its been breeding inwards of you for a long, long time. The urge for feminization. Because I train my sissies to be as womanish as possible, Ill plant womanish hormones into you from the begin. Soon little titties will begin growing on you and youll become a bitchy sissy with a womanish voice. Your wish comes finally true. Ill transform you into a horny, whorish slut. You should always keep your shopping list at hand, because we need lots of whore clothing for you. Dont hesitate, bitch! Were doing it the right way. We step it up further and further, so that I can make good money with you. Within one week I turn you into a well-working, trained bitch.
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Lady Spitting 10 Times As A Dare A beautiful lady spitting delicately on the concrete. She is really enjoying the ...
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