Macht dich dieses Stckeln mit meinen Pumps nervs? Du liebst es, wenn ich High High-heeled shoes an meinen Fen trage, nicht wahr Fusklave? Heute darfst du mir in diesem Movie nicht nur beim Stckeln zusehen, sondern auch beim Dangling. Du als mein kleiner Fufetischist knntest mir den ganzen Tag dabei zusehen. Does shoe dangling make you jumpy? You love it when I wear high high-heeled slippers on my ideal feet. Today you are permitted to witness a shoe dangling in this foot movie. This dangling with pumps on my toe makes you horny. As my little foot fetishist you could see me all day. During the dangling I wear a taut and brief leather dress. This will attract your attention immediately, because it emphasizes my beautiful legs. The only real place to admire me is the floor. What do you think while you watching me dangling and admiring my feet? Of course, you would like to kiss or lick my feet. After all, those are the things a submissive foot slave like you likes to do. Maybe this dream of a foot kiss will come true someday?