Es ist wieder soweit! Ich rette dein nchstes Wochenende! Du gehst sowieso nicht aus und hockst nur deine Wochenenden dein Leben! ist langweilig, wie du selbst! Darum bekommst du eine Aufgabe von mir! Es interessiert sich ja sonst keiner fr dich also sei Endlich eine sinnvolle mehr oder weniger Beschftigung fr einen Loser, wie dich! Was wird es sein, was wirst du tun mssen, was erwartet dich an diesen langen Tagen Halte dich an meine Regeln, Sklave!
Tip-toe Trampling – Extreme Six pack Torture As you most likely know already - I like to spice my sessions up a little. Today ...
7 Min Smoking Drooling Brainfuck In just seven minutes, I can get you to pull the trigger again. Only my voice ...
Shredder Day 82 Lady B gets a large bag packed with many petite Shoes from Boys and Girls for ...
Loser – fantasy Serve Me, because it is only natural for a feeble,pathetic, submissive loser ...
Wank-off Task With A Nice Surprise Jack-off instruction with a big surprise just for you my little slave! Today you ...
Nadia – the Brutal Director 2 Hey bitch! are the very first words you hear the 2nd the camera spins on! Its ...
Slave Trampling I like my slaves best when theyre pitifully lounging on the ground - this way I ...
Teacher Idolizes Student’s Feet Elika is taking private English lessons with her school teacher at his own home. ...
Watermelon For Her Boots Now Lady B Crush a Watermelon with her new Boots. Running Time 5,50min.
Lovely Sweaty Pink Stinky Socks Look at my sweet pink socks, they are so lovely and lovely. Laying under them ...