As if I will grant my slave his wish to eat prompt food? I dont think so! I catch him attempting to eat burger and chips and drink a Coke. Unbelievable! My slaves are barred from eating unhealthy food and he is no exception! I will now rid him of this disobedience. I take off my sweaty sneaker and grab his Coke. Now I put my cheesy sock into the drink, refining the taste with flavour enhancer number one - my cheesy foot flavour! The slave is downright disgusted already, but doesnt know what I have in store for him next. I pour a nice dash of cheesy Coke over his burger and fries, then put my foot on the burger to enhance the flavour with my cheesy feet. I squash it to mush and the chips dont escape either! The slave now has to eat everything. Come on, open your mouth, eat all the quick food porridge from my feet!
Lady Xenia – The Brutal Teacher 2tvmov today we present the 2nd part of the 2parted feature with lady xenia providing ...
Sofia High Heel Footwear Worship Mistress Sofia orders has her slave to munch her splendid high heeled sandals on ...
Dirty Grassy Feet – The rain just stopped and I determined to go walk barefoot in the moist dirty ...
Throttled Mercilessly Under My Ass The slave has to serve me as a seat pad as my gorgeous butt is throttling him. I ...
The Wife’s Calling Mr. Schmidt is getting a hom-smother session again today. But he is married - ...
Puppy Boy 2 Hailey’s Edition A MEAN BRATS PRODUCTIONCome on puppy! Since puppies like boots, puppys going to ...
Vanessa Insults You Usually Vanessa doesnt like to spend her time dealing with an ugly loser like ...
Dominant Licking 83 Michelle and Ryla gobble each others dominant pussy. First, Ryla bind Michelle ...
N29princess Bertie The Best Face Sitting Strangle... N29Princess Bertie The Best Face Sitting Smother, Smother.
Black High-heeled slippers And Fish Net Stockings Dorothea 18 wears black high-heeled slippers and fish net stockings, which she ...