Watch It Sway

Custom-built: Your wearing a taut pencil skirt any color but not black or white you tell me you have a challenge for me, if i can fight back jerking and cuming to your h. y. p. n. o. t. i. c arse in a pencil skirt then you will give me a fellatio, if i cant stand against then when i jizz i fall into your h. y. p. n. o. t. i. c. spell and will be your wank slave forever and everytime you make me jizz in future i have to pay 20. You stir your booty leisurely left and right and make me go after with my eyes like your h. y. p. n. o. t. i. z. i. n. g. me, you see im resisting so you encourage me to start stroking. You can decide what to say but please h. y. p. n. o. t. i. c. words and joi. This goes on for a few minutes, breaking me down. Once you see that im a dribbling stroking mess you tell me the time has come for me to explode, you count from 10-1 but as you get to 2 you say, just incase there is any resistance left your gonna make sure i cant resist and cum, at this point you pull up your skirt showing your ass in a thong and say 1, cum obviously i cum, pay my fee and will be yours forever. You leave me asleep covered in my own cum.