Custom-made REQUEST - Wearing your highest high-heeled slippers please, as you?re a mean schoolgirl. The headmaster of the school calls you to his office and you come in and sit on the chair. You commence to talk with him displaying your oily sexy crossed gams, with a very self- certain attitude. As he speaks, you don?t listen him and are on your mobile phone. After a while he starts to get mad at you, and he stands up to come near to you. Then he attempts to berate you with some serious threats. He tells you that he will call and let your family know everything which you were doing in the school Like you hit up some boys Eventually he menaces to expel you from the school. You look at him and tells him ?truly you think you can expel me from the school? You stand up from the chair with a certain pose right in front of him looking down on him. He looks like a little wimp next to you. After that you begin to bull him and tell him if he attempts to expel you from the school you will strike him in front of the everyone at the school. You laugh at him, and he starts to be afraid of you and beg please don?t strike me up, Im begging you, I never talk to you like that please don?t humiliate me, I have a family? Hes almost blubbering. After that, you tell him ?poor little powerless headmaster don?t sob ahahaha?. You tell him ?0k I will give you a chance for me not to hammer you! I will play some games with I will measure your height, if the top of your head can reach to my bra-stuffers I will not hammer you. However, if it cant reach it and it stays under my boobies I will kick your arse so if you can reach to smooch my armpits I will not strike you. Thirdly you will go up on the chair and we will measure our heights and if you are taller than me, I won?t strike you. Ultimately, the last chance is if you can lift me or move me from the floor you will win. So the games are over, and he has lost. Then he suddenly bows down at your feet and starts to kiss them and begging he starts to cry. ?please don?t beat me You look him and laugh. You tell him ?Do not threaten me again never and ever! Now get up from the floor you little weakling of a headmaster. As he stands in front of you, you suddenly punch him knocking him to the floor. You then return to your chair, looking down at him as he lies completely out on the .
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