Sakura was certainly the very first chapter of my amazing journey to Thailand last summer, so its a real pleasure for me to introduce you this hot and adorable twenty one years old Japanese doll! We had a few conversations on the internet before I was planning my tour, and she told me that she would indeed love to attempt the practice of predominant a slave with her feet! She also told me that she would be more than down to wear the same pair of socks for over a week, just to see me suffer with my nose and my face in her feet! Sakura actually came to visit me that day, after a long workout session, so she dreamed me to sit down on the floor so I could detect and love, the strong smell of her Japanese feet! The weather is actually so hot in Thailand, so there is just no doubt that her socks and feet would be more than hot, and more than sweaty with those sneakers! Lets get ready to embark! Sakura just takes pleasure to taunt me with her filthy sneakers on, and tells me all the bad things that she did with her socks in the last few days before we met, so she now wants me to take her sneakers off, and wants me to get ready to deal with her sweaty socks on my face! She instantly covers my face with her sweaty white socks after I took her sneakers off, and the smell was just indeed intense! That was sick! She takes pleasure to fondle her stinky white socks all over my face, and she makes me take some deep breaths in her socks! Sakura also makes me slurp the dirty bottom of her socks, before she makes me take them off to downright cover my face again with her sweaty naked feet! The smell was truly intense again, but I just had no choice to take some deep breaths in her feet! Sakura makes me sniff the sweaty bottom of her feet, and makes me gobble the dirty bottom of her feet too! That was truly intense, but truly cool at the same time! The extended version of this clip is actually twenty-one minutes! Sakura is actually foot size eight. That was my very very first Thai foot fetish experience, but certainly not the last! Get ready to travel in the next few months folks!
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