It took almost two years to make this movie, which is the 2nd in the Real series. The last mitt trample clip I made seemed to be very popular so I made another one. It was a big challenge. I made it after a few unsuccessful attempts. A duo of friends and I went to a restaurant, where we partied a few times. It is a superb place since the bar is in the far corner and nobody ever walks there. I crouched underneath the bar and hid behind my friends, who were talking with the waitresses. I noticed that when the waitresses brought something, they would unpack it and throw the carton on the floor. Its was excellent place to hide my arm. It took 50 min. to shoot the entire thing, from which I picked the best 14 min., where you see the ladies standing on the cartons, under which is my arm. When you see this movie, you will fell like youre lounging on the floor. The only thing you wont get to feel is the preasure of the high-heels. Time: 20. 07 min. Remastered - movie from 2007.