Gossip, gossip!... Mistress Amy gives her slave one hard spank after the next until his face is bright crimson. As a tasty addition he gets a meaty blast of slobber right into his mouth! Guzzle it! But this is not enough for Mistress Amy. She slaps harder and more powerfully into his face. His cheeks and his whole head will glow as the stupid slave counts every blow! To beat him only with her hands bores Mistress Amy after so long. She has a better idea and decides to torture him with kicks to the face too. A drumbeat of kicks rains down on his What hard torture for the slave!
Slobbering On His Diploma And Crushing It One of my fans sent me his valuable diploma - and Im going to ruin it fully. I ...
Hotspankinggirls – Ebony Youthful mistress Ebony spanks her slave! This loser has to sniffle her jeans ...
Nataly – Soft Feet Nataly has very soft and neat feet. While I was slurping her feet, toes, soles, ...
Findom Cuckold So, loser, do you indeed think you can ever have me? Not a chance, hahahaha! You ...
Jetzt Bekommst Du Meine Nackten Fe Der Duft meienr Socken hat dich schon angeturnt und nun willst du die Haut ...
Penalty For Cheating – Kidnapping In The... The penalty resumes! We hammer his naked back again and again with our canes. ...
Fr Dich Gibt Es Nur Reste Na Fiffi, kriechst du wieder vor mir auf dem Boden, winselst um Aufmerksamkeit, ...
Sexy Red Toes A collection of pictures in sexy crimson polish. Pictures include fishnets and a ...
Die Sklavenschaukel Nachdem ich euch nun schn gefoltert habe mchte ich auch ein bisschen Bespaung ...
Die Schnfflerin – 2teil Hier seht ihr meine grandiose 5-teilige Videoproduktion Wunschclip einer meiner ...