Melady comes home and complains very first time with Richie, it buy their too little money for this this has given; It can himself innumerable insults, insults and spoken humiliations listened very first; Melady then orders it to kneel down and its feet smooch, to smell and to leak cleanly; Richie instantly goes fully intimidated on the knees and pulls out it one of her casual boots; And Melady already orders him to smell the shoe; You opens had all day long clearly to him it had what for effects on their feet, socks and footwear this to run them through the town; Hers already completely must of the sweat of the hours Richie wet smell and lick socks and feet; It must himself because of their order, with their socks bathed in sweat completely wipe its face and then the sweat between their toes out leaky.
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