In my basement there are two slaves ready to fall under a terrible test. In fact, with my friend Mistress we want to submit them to a ballbusting competition. One is skinny, with ballsack and man sausage and big. Another is fat with a very petite pecker and identically little nuts. With my friend we want to practice which of the two has greater resistance in taking kicks in the nuts. We commence with each of us kicking each one of us, as we little by little increase the number of kicks given by each and we begin to see some slight screaming from the slaves. The more we increase the number of kicks, the more the two slaves get excited and display no signs of letting up. So after kicking them with open shoes and barefoot, with my friend we change shoes. She opts for another type of dcollet, I instead for a beautiful pair of boots, Im not going to redden my feet to kick these two nothings. Since neither of us yet yields, we decide to leave them prisoners in the dungeon for some time, while we change and take the opportunity to go for an aperitif. When we return, after relaxing and having fun, we foresee a bad end for the two of them. We will continue to kick them so severe that at least one of the two will have to fall to the ground and, allow us to understand if he can resist getting kicked in the balls more by those with a big cock or a small .
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