Junky damsel Tamara plans a game with Richie. He suspects nothing, has his mitts tied up with handcuffs to himself and then shall put himself just on the ground. Tamara then comes over him. She tells him her cigarette into his mouth and he must smoke to this. She then starts to play with him and his randiness. But she abruptly then slams Richie the mouth with an adhesive gauze. Vulnerably he lies there and Total what happens waits. Tamare then sits up, takes off themselves its footwear and lends him its feet on the face on the bed. With a sealed mouth which air gets he must now smell, breathe foot sweat at its brown nylon feet him yes no-one more. Then Tamara sits down on his belly again and it opens up hers feet directly on the nose. Die Hnde mit Handschellen gefesselt, den Mund zugeklebt, so ganz wehrlos liegt er da und muss ihr als Riech-Objekt dienen. With handcuffs tied up, the mouth sealed, he so fairly defencelessly lies there and the forearms must serve her as a smelling object.
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