Custom-made REQUEST - A few days have passed since the last session with the fake postwoman and you think about this. However, you determine to go and see her at her home. When the postwoman opens the door and finds herself face to face with you, she is truly astonished by the unexpected visit and will ask you why your here. You reply that you have not been able to leave behind the last time she came to see you, and you held under your arse so thats why you are back. You explain you would like to do it to her again. Menacing her that if she rejects with She will have to consider another inferior mistress. The postwoman replies that she would like it as long as your are much more aggressive than last time. You agree and say what are we waiting for. The postwoman grabs you by the arm and hauls you into the house closing the door. She then attempts to undress you instantaneously because she taken by the moment, and by the desire so much that she doesnt want to waste any time. She instantaneously attempts to pull down your undies and put her face in your beautiful butt. At this point you are astonished by her desire, as the postwoman quickly thrusts her face into your ass. You then make sure she cant breathe, as you use your hand you push her face further into your ass. After a while, you decide to humiliate her even more. You push her into the bathroom, and with her head on the toilet seat you decide to smother her more by face sitting on her. She struggles to breathe, however you make sure her face is completely covered. Theres no escape, as you make her suffer more as she struggles and gasps for air under your beautiful .
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