Well, every mistress has to exercise with instruments of penalty to inflict the maximum of anguish into a slaves figure. our mistress are taking this serious and they always believe that practice makes flawless. the more practice they get, the more preciously they can apply stroke after stroke into YOUR arse. and to be mistress we know likes the anticipation of agony and the sound of some instruments. its always funny to see, which one which mistress likes the christin does this in this clip. dressed in black casual garment with black boots, she picks up one instrument, exercising with it and then goes to the next she starts with a nimble black railing crop, going over to a medium weighted cane with a spandex grip and completing with a thick heavy cane, that would be absolutely terrific if it comes down on YOUR imagine bout that, how it would and in clips like this YOU are able to see, whats going on if YOU are beeing YOU wont be able if bent down duration: 5. 00 mins. quicktime high resolution 768 x 576 px rendered with H. 264-codec!