lets welcome back our youthful and beautiful mistress katja! we had again the chance to work with her a few weeks ago in a big studio and could do some excellent clips and photos. in this very first clip we are adding today YOU can observe this superbeautiful goddess wearing some very sexy white high high-heeled shoes and a beautiful white robe. as the camera goes higher YOU may notice her sadomasochistic sneer, while she walks towards the instruments of penalty and correction. very first she chooses a crimson railing crop, flexing it provocately while looking at YOU and giving it a swishy try. of course this would result to a nice striped backside if applied on YOU!!! next our cat o nine tails is in use and she comes very close to even could smell the next a vicious short firm and extremely painful and in the end she will choose a new very long and extremely flexible riding all these instruments would be applied with all sadism and power katja has, YOU would be in total agony and pain just to satisfy her very aesthetic and beautiful clip!!! clip duration: 8. 02 mins.