Sydney works Downtown as a Barmaid so she had to left quick after her Very first Practice did ask me a lots of questions about Foot Fetish and all that Do you think my clip will sell? Do you think I was good for my Very first Practice? How could I drive those People Crazy? What can i do to be your Number One Goddess? I was a Little timid to tell her that people are not Stupid so Stinky Feet with a natural attitude is usually Ideal! Then she asks me: My Feet werent Stinky Enough? They were BTW ;- If ya want, im going to work then ill come back for another clip but only if you go get some drinks for me! You have no idea how Bad my feet smell after a shift at the Bar with my Converse! WoW! That was like a Challenge! I was frightened! I did wait for her till was tired a bit but at the same time, i couldnt sleep just to think that Sydney will come back to cover my face with her Sweaty Feet after a 7 to 3 shift! Damn! She did give me call around 10 to recall me to go get some Dont be bashful to spend some! I usually drink Expensive drinkss! She sended me another Text Message around 2hAM to tell me that theres a problem with the Air Conditioner at the s such a Teaser! Do you indeed need a Description for this Clip? Open your eyes Take a Look on the Sample you Blind or What? This Clip is a Must!