Breathtaking towheaded Zoe is a spoiled lady from a rich family, but she is also a top level model. She studies in the most famous American College and she has her own philosophy of life There are the brainy and the stupid people. There are the rich and the poor, the social classes exist. Elitist Zoe is very stringent and superior with poor guys over 40ies, she consider the losers of life. And it entertains her to have some of them at her feet as her slaves, predominant them and abjecting them as she wants! Zoe walks into the room looking stunning in her crimson dress and elegant high heel sandals. She sits and directions her poor loser slave to begin tonguing the mess from her shoes. The slave does everything to please his Mistress and gives her a good opinion about him, but for Zoe her shoes worth much more than him! She looks down at him with a snobbish style and she guides him how to lick the soles and suck the heels. Go down, I want to hurt you she orders him and she keeps cleaning her shoes on him, abusing him and dominating him under them. Zoe can crush his pathetic face under her shoes and feel just sorry that her shoes got dirty!!!