Trapped Like A Fly

Trapped Like A Fly
TAke A deep breAth And let it out you Are feeling teAnsion gAther As your breAthe releAse As you breAthe out. you wil wAnt to proceed to breAth deeply feeling yourself loosen more And more And feeling pleAsure pack your assets And mind. There Are other wAys to capitulate of course. you could let your eyes concentrate on my eyes And feel your thoughts begin to slip AwAy wAtching either the swirling sdges or the very center And feeling your mind cloud over. Your thoughts commence to slow down, trouble disAppeAsing As you stAre deeper into my deep blue eyes. Or mAybe you wnAt to surrender by listening. Listen cArefully to the sound of my voice And you will become TRAPPED LIKE A FLY in my sAdictic web.