Custom-built clip request Screenplay: You are out for vengeance on your ex. we see things from his pov You are at his place, pretending you are desperate to be his female again. You lean down and open his zip strip and pull out his rod.You miracle at its gigantic size ? you have to use two mitts! Your mechanism is so amazing he cums truly swift. You then sneer, as looking down, his beef whistle seems to be a bit smaller. You taunt him more in your stunning garment and you tell him you want to make him jizz again. You use two hands again, his cock is still fairly large, still being sweet and kind. He cums again, and you laugh, a little more cruelly this time, as his cock has shrunk again. You laugh at your ex?s situation and begin to tease him with your long legs and incredible body again. You take his cock in one hand and can almost fit the whole thing in your mouth now. The poor fool is helpless in the ecstasy of your hot wet mouth and you laugh ? you tell him the truth ? how this is revenge for him dumping you! Every time he cums his cock will get smaller! Can he resist you? Can he stop himself cumming? He can?t resist you and he cums for a third time! This carries on until his cock is so tiny you can stroke it between your finger and thumb and his entire cock and balls fit into your mouth easily. The perfect revenge ending would be that you bite off his cock and balls and swallow them! This poor sucker should never have dumped you! What an idiot! You laugh at his pathetic castrated body and leave.