Katelyn is a private scientist who works for herself and for the government. She does most of her work in secret but the government is sponsoring her work. Her practices include molecular lasers for teleportation, transformation, miniaturization, and much more. This movie concentrates on her miniaturization studies that take place in both her lab and her bedroom.All shrunken scenes are done with propsFirst Scene - Katelyn Finds Shrunken SteveScene includes Steves shrunken dialogueKatelyn arrives at her office and looks around for her assistant Steve, who accidentally shrunk himself with her minimizer. She walks back and forward in her lab, looks underneath her equipment table, and then stops when she thinks she hears something. Shrunken Steve is on the floor by Katelyns dangerous tapping high high-heeled slippers screaming up to her for help. She thinks she hears something and stops to look around. She finds him on the floor and cautiously raises him to her face, uncertain who he is. When she realizes its her assistant Steve she becomes upset and gives him a brief lecture about her lab rules. She told him not to touch the minimizer! After her lecture she promises to come back him back to his normal size - but she wants him to take a break from her science for a while! Some of the shots include a full assets of Katelyn walking around in the lab, Steves POV looking up at Katelyn by her high high-heeled slippers, floor view of Steve standing by Katelyns high heel, and a close up head shot of Katelyn holding Steve inbetween her fingers during her lecture. Scene completes at 3:13Second Scene - Katelyn Shrinks JohnScene includes actor JohnKatelyn and her beau John, a meaty flirt, arrive at her lab so she can do a shrinking test on him. She assures him theres nothing to worry about and that Steves restoration complications were immovable. John and Katelyn joke and flirt around while she gets the minimizer ready and then she successfully shrinks him! Katelyn then looks at the results of the quick miniaturization process - he looks ideally fine! Some of the shots include a full bod of Katelyn and John in the lab and a head shot of Katelyn as she observes shrunken John. Scene completes at 4:33Third Scene - Katelyn and John make OutScene includes actor John and musicJohn and Katelyn get sultry with each other on Katelyns bed. They talk about Johns shrunken practice as they make out and smooch passionately. Some of the shots include a chest up of Katelyn and John sitting on her bed talking and beginning to make out, a full bod of them laying down and making out, a chest up of them making out, a full bod of Katelyn on top of John predominant him, and a super close up headshot of them smooching. Scene finishes at 8:40Fourth Scene - Katelyn turns John into a FlyScene includes actor John and fly sound fxJohn, in Katelyns lab, tells someone on the phone that he has all of Katelyns information to expose her. To his dismay, Katelyn overhears him and knows what to do next. Katelyn cant let any evidence escape from her lab so she turns John into a fly with her minimizer. She yells as she bats her arms around the room attempting despairingly to catch him. She hits him onto her table, trapping him in some spider webbing, and then crushes him underneath a device box while hes trapped. Some of the shots include Katelyn sneaking up behind John, Katelyn converting John into a fly, and Katelyn crushing John the fly underneath a toolbox. Scene finishes at 9:26Fifth Scene - Katelyn Shrinks BillyKatelyn arrives at her lab, sets her minimizer, and get a little more convenient by taking off her jacket. She turns around to see Billy, her friend, who has agreed to let her do some shrinking experiments on him. Before they embark, Billy gets to see Katelyn check up on her little shrunken town and write in her notebook. Then Katelyn gives Billy her undivided attention. Shes ready to shrink him! After she shoots the minimizer at him he leisurely starts to shrink. Before he knows it, her high high-heeled slippers look like mountains compared to him! Hes been distilled down to a miniature version of himself. Katelyn cautiously picks him and he stands tall in her arm as she breathes on him and touches him with her fingers. She hopes her breath smells nice for him and she hopes its keeping him warm. Katelyn doesnt think she should tell him what she just ate however! Its a good thing hes not insane or shed make him floss her giant teeth! She then starts making size comparisons. Very first she asks Billy how her arm looks with her nicely manicured pokes and she holds him up close to her meaty cleavage. Katelyn then jokes about how many floors her thumb would be if it was a building more so, a hotel. She guesses her thumb would be the Pent House Suite and if Billy was a guest hed get very first class service! Some of the shots include a full bod shot of Katelyn in her lab, Billys shrinking POVs, a close look at Katelyns calves down to her high high-heeled slippers as Billy shrinks, a POV shot of Billy looking up at Katelyn beside her high heel and getting picked up, a closeup headshot of Katelyn holding and touching Billy as he stands in her open palm, a straight on cleavage shot, and a super low angle POV below Katelyns arm as she moves her thumb around to touch billy. Scene completes at 15:55Sixth Scene - Billys FantasiesScene includes a Special Effects flash during Katelyns transformation magic, two POV dance scenes in different garments, and music during the dance scenes. Katelyn asks shrunken Billy to tell her more about his fantasies regarding being shrunk down by a beautiful female. Katelyn has many joy plans for them and wants to know all about his fantasies! She lowers her face in indeed close to billy and explains how hell get used to the size of everything. Then, she tells him she turned Mike some creep into a mouse - and John into a fly. She explains why she turned John into a fly and re-assures Billy that shes never do anything that horrible to him! Afterward, Katelyn determines to have some joy with Billy and showcase him a sexy magic trick her magician friend instructed her. She cautiously places him on the floor and backs up. Before Billy knows it, Katelyn starts spinning and a flash shows up. Katelyns attire switches! Her high heel mules turn into knee high boots. Her crimson button down work T-shirt turns into a form fitting scoop neck top. Katelyn gives him a closeup view of her hot fresh clothing by leisurely carrying him the entire way up her height. She then places him back on the floor and flirts with him about his lil' size and then indulges him in a very sexy dance! Katelyn stands up tall above him and leisurely dances as she talks about how he better see out which hot chick's he lets shrink him because some damsels like to take advantage of cool guys like him! After the sexy dance Katelyn lowers her palm to the floor and opens it up for Billy. She mildly wraps her fingers and palm around him as he stands on her floor. She raises him high into the sky with her while providing him slew of Giantess sized air smooches! Time to do some shrinking experiment studying now! Katelyn gently places him on her equipment table with her other shrunken projects. She leans down to closely observe Billy, totally thrusting her absolutely massive breasts in his face by accident! Billy then looks up and sees Katelyn gigantic face and forearms observing him. She compliments how hes been handing the shrinking project and sweet talks him as she touches him to observe him some more. He gets a check straight down the list of a fine and fantastic experiment! To test some more she hovers her massive thumbnail over billy, downright devouring him underneath it. Billy then attempts to climb her glossy manicured thumb fuck, but its too glossy to grab onto! After much more experimenting Billy asks a little about Katelyns experiments. Is she a private operation or does she work for the government? Katelyn trusts Billy to keep her information secret so she gives him a little private information before studying him some more. She then holds her palm high above the little shrunken town on her table, with Billy laying in her palm. She makes some more size comparisons and even puts him in her ring at one point! Perhaps later, she will shrink him even smaller and do some living upgrades to the compartment inwards her ring so he can live in it! Billy then tells Katelyn something very disturbing. See, Katelyn and Billy are close friends. Billy tells Katelyn that some drains from his last jobs are still bullying him so Katelyn gets fired up and tells him how gruesomely shell take care of them. Shell turn them both into bugs! Shell turn Tony into a Worm and Dave into a Snail and crush them both under her boots! And as for Billys boss, Robert, shell convert him into a Roach and crush him too! Billy truly likes the sound of all this and wishes to prove his loyalty to Katelyn. So she describes a special one man submarine shrinking experiment he can partake in but it would require her drinking him down! Katelyn then determines its time for some more wonder Katelyn magic! This time her clothing converts into a sexy white hooter-sling and panty. She asks Billy what attracts him to the female empowering theme and gives him another very sexy dance. After her dance she lies down and makes him go on a quest to walk across her finger for a prize! She helps him cheat along and his prize is an exploration inwards her brassiere! She drops him in, explains how he feels on her nip, and massages her breasts as she flirts with him some more. Katelyn has a lot more to train and demonstrate Billy so she gets him back out and stands back up to explain.Some parts of the following scene are visually gargled out, but fortunately theyre not too long 50:23-Katelyn wants to team up with shrunken Billy to fight the evil doers of the world together as a team! He will be greatly rewarded for his participation, and Katelyn makes sure to prove it in the following scene for listening to her so dearly! Tons of shots in this scene. To name a few- tons of handheld and finger shots, dance POVs from Billys view beside Katelyns high high-heeled shoes, palm shots above the shrunken town, melon shots, and much more. Scene completes at 55:20Seventh Scene - Billys Private AdventureScene includes inwards cooter cam shots very first ever! and musicKatelyn and her shrunken experiment Billy arrive to her bedroom. Billys in for a nice prize for his previous participation in her shrinking experiments. So, Katelyn wants to give him a little taste of what his prizes will be like if he proceeds to act so bravely together with her. She lies down and tells him shes going to let him go on a fully bod escapade of her! She then places him on her gam and lies back to unwind while hes on his amazing venture. However, Katelyn notices he falls a few times so she determines to help him up and along her. Her gams are just so silky its hard to hold on to anything! She leisurely brings him up the length of her gams and stops him right below her g-string. Billy then gets a warm invitation from Katelyn to climb on up and love himself on the soft fabric of her panty! Shortly after she notices him checking out her mitt and embarks helping him explore the rest of her. His next stop is Katelyns massive breasts. She taunts Billy with them by squeezing them together and invites him to crawl in inbetween them. Billy walks over top her breasts and up her neck and Katelyn picks him up for some more adventuring of her assets! Next up to explore is her eye! She taunts Billy some more and tells him hes the good explorer whos been sent on an epic quest around her eye lash! Katelyn then almost loses billy in her eyelashes, almost blinking him in! Fortunately, he made it safe out of her eye but then got stuck to her mouth! Katelyn then talks to Billy as he lies on her enormous lips. She licks him, taunts him, and tells him she has a question. Katelyn asks him how he liked walking along her sensuous figure. Must have been a fantastic voyage! She then asks if he can touch her in her special area again. She could indeed use some ease and his touch is exactly what shes after! She embarks touching herself in front of him and tells him she wants to feel him in her undies and perhaps even deep inwards of her - so its free wander for him! While lounging down, Katelyn touches herself very passionately and commences shrieking. She tells Billy how she can feel him wiggling and wriggling right ontop of her engorged clitoris. She wants more of him. She wants to feel him inwards of her. She wants to get closer to him some how. Shes soaked! After rubbing herself some more she flips herself over on top her hands and knees - on top of him! She begins riding him up and down telling him how good he feels and pushes him deeper inside her. Its so wet. She then slowly begins to fuck him. Shes so wet she can feel the juices moving around as he squirms inside her. She rubs herself harder and harder, moans louder and louder. She fingers herself, and licks her fingers clean of cum. She tells him how much closer shes getting and moans louder yet. She fucks shrunken Billy even harder! She grabs her boobs firmly! She sits up on her knees and rides him while rubbing herself. Many struggles later, wets her fingers some more before rubbing herself faster and harder and demands Billy to come with her. Katelyn tells Billy its coming and a huge lake of white cum comes rushing after him inside her! Katelyn and Billy then explode into pure bliss in huge orgasm together - one of the most intense shes ever had! Katelyn then digs him out with her sexy fingers and finds him - he survived! Soaked, on her finger, they both then lie down. She places him in her big belly button so they could take a rest before any more experiments. Scene lasts until end of movieThis package includes:1 Hour 16 Minutes and 57 Seconds MovieBuy it at giantesskatelyn. com and also receive:9 Minutes and 2 Seconds Behind the Scenes and Bloopers5 Minutes and 35 Seconds Extra FootageWhich would be a total of 1 Hour 31 Minutes and 34 Seconds1280x720845 MBThis was a completely scripted custom project. If youd like to download the script you may do so here.