Melady and their friend Lea coincide with Richie on the bed in front of the television set; It comes to a disagreement inbetween Richie and the two; It comes Melady abruptly there: Why does the slave lie on the bed unasked with us at all? It instantaneously orders itself to him to below, to go onto the ground; When he wants to quibble both kick and shove him on the ground; Television further must him from the ground; Not starts with him but so that enough, Melady to spread its foot for him into the face; Then also Lea; Both open up her feet for him into the face; Her foot smell displeases Richie obviously and it fights against it; But the two makes this crazy only correctly; You order it forcibly to smell her feet and to munch her feet; About and he becomes all the time laughed and sworn, humiliated verbally of the two, offended.