This morning I am in the company of my mistress friend and we indeed want to have joy with these two losers. Tied, dangled, like two salamis, we have joy making them suffer leisurely, clogging their throats, noses, completely preventing them from breathing. The slave I am tormenting trembles like a leaf and this only increases my enjoyment but, obviously, I am not having pity of him so, by looking him straight in the eyes, I close his mouth first, then his nose, until he wiggles more and more, desperately looking for air. Slave tell me: are you ready to look me in the eyes while you suffocate for Me?
Kittling Elika’s Big Feet To Wake Her Up Its late Sunday morning and Elika is still in her bed, sleepy and lazy and she ...
Pictures Under Metal Heel Pumps Lady B ruin many Pictures under her metal Heel Pumps. She walk simply over there ...
Sneakergirly Gym-lady – Domino Choclate Domino Choclate.
Silenced In Chastity Today, I have as my guest my good friend mistress Ezada. We are going to permit ...
Letzte Warnung Dreckssack Dies ist deine absolut letzten Chance! Deine Unfhigkeit zu lernen und deine 2 ...
Cuckolding 20 THE HIGHLIGHT OF Abjection - DEEPER CAN EVEN A SLAVE NO MORE FALL! The White ...
Spunk On This Hot Cunt You are indeed horny? You want to jack off? Then I will showcase you how you can ...
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Tomatoes Under Boots See me crush some tomatoes under my flat overknee boots. This could be your ...
Hier Ist Dein Platz Loser mssen im Dreck knien!! Dreck zu Dreck!! Ich bin deine Knigin und du wirst ...