Managed By A Childlock App

Its your most precious time of the hours in which you can sneak away to your computer, browsing the internet for all that nasty stuff you are interested in. Female Dominance, all your nasty little kinks and Without cleaning it up permanently, your browser history would tell a lot, wouldnt it?But what if that wasnt possible anymore?What if there was an app, that monitors all your online behavior?Not as dangerous as a keylogger that loggs all your secret information and passwords - no sane person would install but enough to showcase what youve been doing? What youve been browsing for and for how long?An app that gives me all the information I want - and the capability to take it all away from you? That permits me to set boundaries for the sites I want you to visit - and block those that I consider inappropriate?Can you already feel that insecure feeling in your belly, not knowing if I read about your little adventures in the reports I or if I have even been watching you at that time?Maybe I already blocked that dearest site of What will I request to open it again?So many options, so much joy! Let it begin!