day for a fresh lady or? : we think lets welcome miss velvet Fresh to our store here. she is a youthfull, but very talented fresh superior lady. was her very first time she did this, but she was so glad bout doing this, she wants to come this very first clip we are presenting here YOU will embark groveling at her feet. she is wearing crimson mega plateau sandals and YOU will have some time to adore her, before YOU are maybe allowed to move YOUR eyes what do YOU have to expect there beside the beauty of this new lady? not much, but YOU have the honour to be ignored and YES YOU be misused as a human will be ordered to eat the ash while YOUR lady is relaxing and smoking her GERMAN LANGUAGE but easy to. clip duration: 7. 19 mins. HIGHRESMOV 980 x 720 px! 2600 kBits. Excellent brilliant Quality!