Custom-built: I?ve just won the lottery jackpot. Now on my way to collect the money I pass your house just to tell you I?m not a loser. You have abjected me, taunted me unmercifully making me spend my time and money on you hoping to have a chance to fuck you. But I never even eyed you naked. It doesn?t matter now cause I?m going to present the ticket and get the lottery jackpot. Now I?m rich and can have any woman I want. But you don?t let me go that lightly. You say you don?t believe I would choose any woman in the world rather than you. And you know that I would give all money in the world just to see you naked. I want to leave right now but you taunt me. You suggest me a bet: You have this little dru. g that makes fellows fall irresistibly sleep as soon as they spunk. If I drink it now, you?ll let me stroke to you as you get naked. If can hold long enough to see your fuckbox without jizz Im a winner. I can go get the jackpot and have all the women I desire including you. But if I jizz, I?m a loser. You?ll take the lottery ticket away from me and I won?t be able to do anything about it because I?ll be sooo sleepy that I?ll fall right here before your naked assets. What?s gonna be: The ticket or The honeypot? I truly like that think of feeling defenselessly woozy and sleepy because a sexy lady drug. ged me. Can you taunt me and have fun seeing me get woozier and sleepier the closer I get to cum? And can you find a point in the clip where you could hold the lottery ticket just before your pussy hiding it from my eyes?