Wank-off INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOMMIES BOYS Are you a Mommies boy? Are you a pathetic sissyboy who still lives with ? I want you to go and get your Mommies sexiest crimson lipstick and a pair of your Mommies worn undies from the laundry basket! Are you still under Mommies dominance now sissyboy? Does walk around the house in her sexy undergarments just to taunt your pathetic little knob? Does she make you see her get ready for her nights on the town looking for youthfull cock. Is your a sexy cougar Mom who dresses slutty and fucks all your friends? Do you go all embarrassed and submissive when you see your dressed all sexy on Saturday nights sissyboy? Do you sit at home like Mommies cuckold son sniffing her panties while is out sucking and fucking! Have you cum in your Mommies panties sissyboy? Ha Ha! perhaps now your will know for sure that she has a sissyboy loser for a son!