Do you play with your fucktoy cars during class instead of paying attention?! Didnt I forbid that numerous times already?! Then Ill have to confiscate your car! Oops, there was another one on the ground and I accidently stepped on it. Anyway, Im going to keep this 2 cars for now and youll be permitted to pick them up at my home in the afternoon after my railing lesson! Later, when you visit me at home, I open the door still wearing my railing garment - did you truly think I wouldnt notice you staring at my boots? Or watching very closely when I carelessly step on stuff? As your penalty, youll now lie down on the ground - with your cars right in front of your eyes. Are you afraid observing my powerful railing boots so close to your beloved fucktoy cars? Yes, Ill crush them under my boot feet mercilessly! And in the future, youll be obedient - or Ill stomp your flat just like your cars! This is a non-exclusive role-playing custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to com!
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