Jade, Katelyn, and yourself just finished eating a nice meal together as good friends. When you inquire about desert Katelyn informs you that there is no desert. You attempt your best to hide your frustration. You then begin to notice the chick's smirking and sniggering about Katelyn tells Jade they could always get some desert and then Jade insists that yes, there will indeed be desert! Jade then pulls up a strange device from her lap and aims it at you. You see glowing colors of blue and green flashing from the device and the doll's giggle as they witness you shrink before their eyes. Youve been shrunk down to a very lil' size! Jade and Katelyn then rise up from the table and treatment you. They love your lil' little tidbit size and are pleased to see how ideally their device worked for them once again! The doll's then crouch down and Katelyn tells you to come crawl up onto her arm and not to be panicked! Youre then held high up to the chick's faces and Katelyn informs you youre going to get the privilege of becoming a part of one of their beautiful figures. Since Katelyn got to eat the last one she nicely palms you off to Jade. Jade hopes youre ready for this and brings you down to your belly. She holds you against her soft warm belly and tells you to love it because what lies on the other side is a churning pit of acid that will digest you! And at your little tidbit size theres nothing you can do to switch your fate which lies inwards of Jades belly. You then have to smooch the bellies of the greedy Giantesses. Katelyn asks Jade if she can eat you but Jade reminds her that she got to eat the last one and it must be fair! However, Jade does agree to letting Katelyn give you a little taste! Katelyn then licks you over and over again with growing excitement and Jade steals you back after a few seconds and tells her youre hers! But Katelyn wants to eat you so bad that becomes a little jealous when she sees what Jade does to you next. Jade tastes you and puts you deep in her mouth and brings you out again. Katelyn talks about how appalled you are to be so deep into Jades mouth and Jade screams in tasteful enjoyment. She then tells you it wont hurt much since Jade likes to gulp. Right as Jade asks you if you have any last requests Katelyn quickly steals you from Jades! Jade yells hey!! and Katelyn then tells you what shes going to do with you. Youre going to get slurped against her acute teeth and chopped up with her molars! She then shows you how acute and dangerous her teeth are and attempts to quickly eat you! Jade then quickly steals you back just in time before Katelyn had the chance to get you in her mouth. Jade then tells you that was just for joy but youre indeed hers tonight. She holds you high above her mouth and lets you drop right in. After you go in Jades mouth you never come out again. Jade revels your sweet delicious taste for fairly a bit. Her mouth is massive, warm, raw, and pink. You sustain the entire practice without drowning but then she gulps you down! Katelyn then uses her sexy finger to trace your path down into Jades sexy bod. You slid right down into Jades belly! Katelyn and Jade then seductively talk about going out to get Katelyns desert and Katelyn asks if you were as good as you looked. Jade tells Katelyn in a very sexy and silky voice he was all that, and more! witch an extremely satisfied expression! Jade then softly tells Katelyn theyll go find her victim next!