Katelyn, the vice president at her fresh lab job, shrank her friend Billy for a miniaturization experiment. She thanks him for volunteering because her experiments arent totally safe. She indeed appreciates his help and tells him how much she misses him. They havent strung up out in what feels like ages so she tells him shed love to go out to the diner with him after her tests. Katelyn tells Billy she plans on picking him up and holding him in her beautiful soft palm. However, before she picks him up she takes off all her rings and lotions up her mitts to make them a little tacky so he doesnt slip. Her job is also to keep him safe! After lotioning up her forearms she puts her rings back on and then plucks lil' Billy up from the table. She holds him inbetween her fingers and observes him closely. She accidentally knocks over a house and picks it back up. She then inspects billy closer while telling him how she shrank other guys. She never had anything go wrong during the shrinking process. She wouldnt have even let him volunteer if anything ever went wrong. Billy indeed loves being held in Katelyns arm. Katelyn tells him not to stir around too much and proceeds to observe him as he lies in her soft palm. Her thumb must look like a mountain above him! She promises that its soft and gentle, just like her. Katelyn then tells Billy how he did such a good job, shes affected! Some of the other guys she shrank got indeed funked because of how big everything looks at such a lil' size. Since Billy was such a fine test subject she invites him over again for another experiment tomorrow and asks him if hed like to go out to the diner. Katelyn blows him a kiss and tells him shell return him back to his normal size so they can go out!