Custom-made REQUEST - You sit down and explain that some of your slaves from home have some doubts that your foot may be so long that it exceeds size 41. You eliminate your shoe and showcase the number 43 to the camera! One of them in particular claims that your feet cannot exceed 25 cm in length, and bets his ballsack yo be kicked. Obviously you accept, because you are sure of winning and you already love imagining the horrifying series of painful barefoot kicks that you will produce to his nuts. You place a white sheet of paper on the floor and place your foot on it with a pencil go after the outline, drawing your footprint very accurately. Do the same on another sheet with the right foot and measure with a ruler or ruler or a meter the length of the form from the heel line to that of the big toe. It measures cm and mm e. g. 26. 3 cm with superb precision. The camera zooms in on the numbers so I can see If you win, that is, the feet will exceed 25 cm. You will tell them how you will walk rigorously barefoot, and you will demolish my ball sack. Then the camera films your feet while you are standing up close, now you support a heel against each other keeping your feet as horizontal as possible i. e. open like Charlie Chaplin showcasing their incredible length Look how long they are so horizontal ?Then put them on a high table or chair and display the plants to the camera. Then do the same with your gams crossed, zoom in on the plants but always showcasing them entire do not keep the plants in a normal and relaxed position, but pull a little forward to view .
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