You quick sneak over to Daphnes muffin and eat away at it, while thinking shes dispersed. Within seconds she looks down to you and you begin fearing for your life. You know she sees everything dont you? Theres not a single thing she misses. She tells you to get away and step back from her snack, NOW! Next she picks you up, tells you that she makes a meal out of her bad slaves, and shows you her belly where you will be ending up. As her mitts grace her boobies she tells you her original plan - today she was to prize you for being so good. She was going to let you have a little knocker time as she knows how much you love climbing her mountainous tits and getting lost in the valley inbetween them. But now you are going to be her meal instead since you desired to attempt and steal some of her snack. Daphne dangles you high above her mouth and tells you whats going to happen. Shes going to eat you up. Put you in down in her carnivorous mouth, play with you with her tongue for a little while, taste you, and digest you. Youre going to make such a little appetizer! You attempt once again to get at her snack and get away from her, bad budge! While holding you close to her mouth she goes even more into detail about whats going to happen when she slurps you. Then she holds you up high, your last view before being leisurely lowered into her mouth is her titty jugs and her beautiful face. She gulps you down she talks to you while youre still alive inwards of her. She can feel you wiggling around in there, mmm! But pretty soon her tummy acids are going to chew you up. She can even feel her tummy swishing so it wont be long until youre all dissolved by her tummy acids. Shes still thirsty but thats what her snack was for! She sexily takes a pinch of her muffin and inserts it into her mouth to send it coming down after you! This movie features shrunken pov, belly, digestion taunt, and vore!