Erinas in love with trampling ever since the very first time she attempted it and by now shes gotten unbelievably violent and mean. She steps on her slaves naked chest and instantaneously digs the acute high-heeled shoes of her footwear into his skin. She even leaps on his chest wearing high high-heeled shoes and stands on one foot only fairly some time. Of course the slaves head isnt spared by his mean mistress and she also makes him kiss the dirty sole of her shoes while standing on his chest. After a while she allows the slave to take her shoes off - but of course she keeps standing on his chest and while he tries to get her shoes off with shaking hands her whole weight comes down on one foot only! Even after taking off her shoes Erinas slave has to suffer quite a lot as she can now stand on her tip-toes, trample his throat, step on his face with and of course finish him off with some good jumps!