Today DungeonRoma I have a fresh slave that would like to be in my ponygirl stable. Of course, as shes not done any pony training Ill have to see if shes good enough. I have determined to break her in gently at very first, and the bed is a good option. Before we begin, my bitch has to learn obedience and I call her over to smooch my feet before ordering her to take up her pony training position. Shes a little stubborn, however I use my railing crop to give her a duo of stinging lashes. Theres nothing like agony to ensure quick obedience. Once shes in position, I have a nice pony tail that I insert into her butt. Then I tell her to get on the bed where I put on her bridle and the bit in her mouth. Shes now ready for some pony training, and I quickly put her through her paces. My bitch seems to be a quick learner, and Im sure she is liking her training. We proceed to adopt several positions, as I turn her around while remaining on her back. With a few minor adjustments, I have her under my accomplish control. I think she will eventually make a good addition to my stable. Its been excellent joy, and I have enjoyed this first session of training .
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