Master Walter sees a grain of dust on his table and tells hisMaid to but her Butt to good use by wiping the table with it! TheMaid has had enough with years of his spoken manhandle. She willput her Butt to good ON HIS FACE! She will beteaching him a lesson how NOT to treat women! She Chuckles AND LAUGHS at his suffering via his torment! The Maid ultimately SMOTHERS HIM UNTIL HE FADES AWAY! Just when you think shes s far from finished! Aftershe made her master fade away its time for his BB to SUFFER THESAME FATE! She doesnt want the BB growing up into the monsterits Father was! She holds her Booty close to its face so it can smell the scentof its Mistress! She bounces on its face a little just to amuseherself as it panics looking up at her with its watery eyes! Theshe leisurely crushes its arms stepping on it limb by limb! Thepressure under her weight must be fairly INTENSE! She places it onthe hard white table and SITS ON ITS FACE WITH ALL HER WEIGHTBEARING DOWN ON IT! Her evil laugh is enough to send a chilldown your spine! She calls the BB a cigarette she needs to STOMPOUT! I hear that BBs have soft goes! she says as she digs herheels into its head! Then she sits on the back of its headcrushing its face into the dusty carpet! In the end she disposes of its assets in the Toilet and walksaway from a full days work!