Katelyn arrives to her wrestling match and shes astonished to find that her opponent is a shrunken man- how does he ever think hes going to win? It doesnt seem like he has any special abilities or anything to make up for his petite size either because she pins him underneath her massive feet in comparison to him like hes a mere fucktoy! While sitting she pins him under one of her feet, vocally taunting the crap out of him, and then she stands up and shows him how lightly she could crush him by placing her heel inbetween her gams and the ball of her foot on his chest while raising her other foot. Then she uses her screws to kittle torment him- oh, he hates it! After that burst of amusement, she even pins him underneath her jugs! Looks like she won! Ideal that hes already shrunken too, because she gobbles her opponents when she wins! Yep! She tells him that hell now be sliding into her mouth, down her mouth, and living in her belly while her bod ever so leisurely digests him. She opens her mouth broad and guzzles him entire, and gets SUPER bloated from eating him. Phew! Next she turns around and looks at the coach. Eating her opponents entire is her secret to staying strong, and she hasnt lost a match since doing so. He already knows shell have to eat him too so no one finds out so its no surprise to him when she massages him all over her big bloated belly, but it is a bit torturous listening to Zach who is painfully digesting inside of her. After sending the coach down to join him, her belly bloats more then ever. Oof! She can barely even talk or move with comfort. Walking around and rubbing her belly helps so she does exactly that, while talking to the shrunken men inside of her, and then heads out. This video features an anatomically correct doll, pinned under bare feet, tickled, pinned under bikini boobs, doll sized vore, swallowed whole, red lips, big bloated belly closeups, two dolls get vored, rubbed against Katelyns bloated belly, some underneath belly pov and pov from Katelyns view looking down. Special thanks to Zach for ordering this custom video!