Nova and Kate are just completing working out. While opening up and talking about fresh years resolutions they find out they have a few in common- one of which is to never talk to their exes again. Being the hot Giantess-minded women they are, they quickly realize they can go on dates with eachothers exes to shrink them down and get rid of them for good. Itll work out ideally since their knew friends, so their exs arent aware of them. After theyre finished spreading and talking they get right to it. A few hours later, they arrive back at Katelyns place with eachothers shrunken ex. They each eat eachothers ex while degrading them too. And after their done with their joy they head to the kitchen to finish a bottle that they opened earlier when they shrunk and ate someone else. This movie features two-girl Vore with an ex bf's theme, a brief crush tease scene, and closeup mouth shots of both exes meeting their fate.