HOT GUYS GET ALL THE ATTENTION - UGLY GUYS ONLY GET FEET IN THEIR FACE! Recall when Retarded Boy attempted to join the Sorority Chick's Club? Well SGC president Cynthia still likes to keep him around as her individual FOOT STOOL! Its not like he has a chance with any dame in the school anyways which is understandable considering hes mentally handicapped. Hell never amount to anything so being a foot rest for the greatest doll on campus is as far as he gets in life! Just observe as this stud hits on her as she totally disregards the poor retard under her feet as if hes not even there! Hes even confused and puzzled as to what shes doing with her feet on his face but she wont even response or acknowledge his questions regarding the poor retard under her feet! THE RETARD UNDER HER FEET SIMPLY DOESNT EXIST TO HER! Ultimately near the end of their conversation she talks about the silent retard under her feet and his purpose to the man flirting with her. They both agree that the retard is kind of worthless in life and set up a date to meet with eachother later on in the evening! Looks like Cynthia will be dating a hot stud! INCREDIBLE CLIP! INCLUDES A GREAT BLOOPER SCENE AFTER THE CLIP WHERE CYNTHIA ACUTALLY INSULTS THE GUY! CYNTHIA IS NOT JUST MEAN ON CAMERA, SHES MEAN OFF CAMERA TOO!