The economys been bad recently and no company will hire a retard during a recession! So in order to make finishes meat he had to find a way to make a little money just to feed himself and pay the bills so he doesnt find himself living on the streets without a roof over his head. So he places an add on craigslist as a shoe shiner for youthfull students. In order to stand out from the competition he claims the cleaning is fully done by TONGUE! Instantaneously he gets flooded with e-mails from students wanting their footwear cleaned! This is the story of a retard during hard economic times! Good Luck! the doll says laughing as shesabout to get the bottoms of her boots eaten by a littleretarded boy. Does it taste like salt? she askslaughing. Those are her outdoor winter sneakers raw withstreet salt and grime! There must be pebbles in therehuh? she asks smiling. She proceeds to giggle and helicks the bottoms! Are you going to do the other one too? sheasks switching feet! She gawps down at him in wonderment ashe licks the bottoms. She looks over her shoe inspectinghis work with a big smile. She enjoys finding more filthand dirt for him to lick and clean! THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A GREAT NEW ORIGINAL SERIES! MANY MORE COLLEGE GIRLS TO COME! CLIP TIME 5:33.