Im having a brief nap on my bed, and Im disturbed by a squeaking sound. At very first I attempt to disregard it, but its persistent and wont go away. I little by little awake and find a little insignificant you. How dare you creep up on your Giantess and see me while Im resting. I could stamp on you and observe you spread out on my floor. However, as your now on my bed and I have you in my seize, Im not going to display you any grace. Im a little hungry, and you will make a nice snack. Im going to put you in my mouth and suck on you, I will use my tongue to swirl you around in a sea of my saliva. I may swallow you, or perhaps Ill just spit you back out. Then tightly tie you up with a bootlace, and suffocate you under my leather sheet. Or maybe I could put you in a jar with the lid tightly shut, and watch it steam up as you run out of air. What ever I decide, there will be no escape for my tiny little juicy .
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