Today I have my female slave here in my basement. She commented on how she admired my boots and they complimented my beautiful feet. I said to her the footwear were designed especially for the purpose I had in mind. She looked a little puzzled and asked what was that. Pointing to my bench, I told her to kneel at the end. Then I corded her wrists, and fastened her to the bench. Since she likes my boots so much, I will give her a special treat. My hooker is going to idolize my boots and feet. As I look down on her while she fights to free herself, I begin by telling the her to gobble my footwear. The high-heeled shoes are e very nice form for getting that mouth open and sucking on them. After a while, I determine to eliminate my boots. She is going to proceed her foot tonguing by cleaning my feet. My bitch is fairly new to this, so I have to keep telling her what to do. She answers me back so Im going to make sure she doesnt do it again. I begin by getting her to open her mouth nice and wide. As she starts to lick, I stuff my foot into her mouth until she begins to choke. Shes not saying too much now. As the footgagging continues, and gets more intense, breathing for her becomes more difficult. I think my bitch is learning. With my foot over her head I order her to the floor, this is a very stressful position, as her wrists are still tightly bound to the bench. I continue to make her suffer with my foot over her mouth so she cant breathe. With her gasping, I tell her to continue licking and to make sure she cleans between my toes. For a new licking slut, she is doing quite well. I decide to reward her by leaving her bound to my bench with my beautiful shoes stuffed in her mouth.
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