My masculine slave has been instructed to lose some weight. However, its not going too well for him. So Im going to give him some encouragement. I have determined to make him my little pony for the day. As he is whipped and led round the basement, he is going to lose a few extra pounds. He must perform well or he will be .
Two Lady’s Wearing Winter Shoes One lady stands on top of a stud and stands on his head. She makes sure to stand ...
Disorderly Conduct Ii Insane mental patient Hannibelle Lecter smothers the orderly who helped in the ...
Alycia’s Smelly Feet Alycia is in a mood to rest her sweaty tired feet after a long day with her hot ...
Relaxing On The Stairs Want to munch my feet while Im sitting on the stairs? Lets relax for some ...
Hirngefickter Hriger Sklave Du bist noch nicht abhngig von mir? Dann wirst du es, du kleines Opfer. Du wirst ...
Three Blondes 1 Two lovely women have joy with small Bambina. Russian girl Nicolina and her ...
Inga – Meeting Day – Foot Idolize And... Inga sits on the table and determines to feed the slave with chips. She drops ...
Blackmail Is A Dish Best Served From Our Feet Includes - blackmail - dirty confessions - entrapment - manipulatrix - office ...
Cock Stroking Lesson 8 Ok, boys, I had to make few more rod wanking lessons since it became so popular: ...
Socks With The Smell Of Beauty Do you like socks, wearing a lot of days and that cost is? I made this bounty ...